Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Shimoda Surf City

Last weekend we took a little surf trip down to Shimoda on the Izu Peninsula (Shizuoka Prefecture), west of Miura Peninsula, where we live. It's about a five hour drive - not bad. Shimoda, if you remember from history class, is the port where Admiral Matthew C. Perry arrived in 1854 and opened Japan to trade with the outside world, ending hundred of years of Japanese isolationism. It's a breathtakingly beautiful coastline, completely with rocky cliffs and scattered islands, not unlike the California coast. The beaches have incredibly clear blue water, and are relatively uncrowded compared to Shonan area (near us). Unfortunately, the surf was not as good as we had anticipated, but we had a fun time nonetheless, and stayed at a great little ryokan (Japanese inn) called "My's", which was dog-friendly. So Stella and Luna got to accompany us this time! We opted for breakfast and dinner at the inn, which was an additional ¥4,800 per day for the two of us, which sounds like a lot, but completely worth it as the master of the ryokan put out an incredible spread of food. Plus it saved us from having to drive into town to find a place to eat. Enjoy the pics!

Reststop along the way (or is it Cannes?)

Hey Dumb Donald, where's the rest of the Fat Albert gang?

One of the two dinners we had; that plate of sashimi was worth the price of admission alone!

Our room - notice that ghost hiding under the tv?

Luna's pooped - too much sun, surf, and sand!

Green and red... must be Christmas.

Stella has a new best friend - the master of My's.


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