Monday, July 09, 2007

Mystery Train

One morning last week as I left for work I noticed this rather odd but majestic train parked on the auxiliary track which runs parallel to the main Keikyu track, normally used for maintenance of older trains. Akemi happened to snap some photos of it later in the morning and inquired with some other onlookers and came to find out that it is actually a VIP train used to transport the Japanese royal family. It's rather interesting because it's a very rare train to ever see in service; I've personally never seen it before but it certainly has the familiar 'JR' (Japan Railways) logo on the side. I'm not sure if it's brand-new or just really well-kept (probably the latter), but the middle car was all wrapped up in foam like they were getting ready to ship it through the mail! (That's retarded - what am I talking about!). Anyway, it was an interesting sight to behold outside of our little podunk base housing complex.

Stella and Luna really got a "kick" out of it!

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