Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Better Living Through Chemical Brothers

The Chemical Brothers can do no wrong. And their sixth studio album, "We Are The Night", proves it. Every track is a masterpiece (with the exception of one, which I didn't load onto my iPod - and the stupid thing is is that it's the single that's currently being played on the radio! Damn you commercial radio!) This album is the soundtrack for one of those all-nighters in Tokyo (or other cool city of your choice). Known for the guest cameos they bring on board for their projects, this one features Klaxons, Ali Love, Fatlip, Willy Mason and Midlake. I don't who those people are but maybe you do. Previous collaborations have included Tim Burgess (Charlatans UK), Beth Orton (love her), Liam Gallagher (Oasis), and Wayne Coyne (Flaming Lips). You would think their Big Beat/psychedelic sound would have lost its freshness by now, but it's stronger, catchier, and fatter than ever before. And it's not just "techno". What is "techno" anymore anyway really? There's something very "human" about this music. It's organic and pulsating, it's got melody and it tugs on something primordial. I haven't had the opportunity to see them live yet (hopefully one day), but I have a feeling it's not just a concert, it's a journey. Highly recommended to put this album on the top of your playlist. 'Nuff said.

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