Monday, November 13, 2006

What's Going On

Hi squirrels... Just an update on what I've been up to. Friday (Veterans's Day) we did our annual mikan-gari (Japanese orange picking party). Ate some tasty oranges and had a great yakisoba / yakiniku cookout. I'll post some photos soon! Went out to Za-Watami with Paul on that evening for drinks and "oishi" izakaya food. Didn't do squat on Saturday except for reading and watching tv / DVDs, including 'Crash'. It was a pretty good movie, but I don't know if it was Oscar-good. Remember how hyped up it was at the last Academy Awards? It made it seem like every single social interaction on a daily basis in Los Angeles is ready to explode into a racially-charged flaring of tempers with people ripping each other's heads off. Interesting movie, but I got lost in some of the intertwining paths of the characters.

Today, Akemi and I went down to Kura Sushi, a massive "kaiten" (carousel) sushi restaurant where all plates are ¥100. It was sooo good. It's so hard not to overeat there. The fish is actually really good there. You would think otherwise because of the price. I think they can do it for so cheap because the portions are a little smaller. And also, if you want to order something specific, there's a touch-screen computer at each table that allows you punch in what you want. No human interaction. In a couple minutes, voila, your order comes to you on the belt. How dangerous-you can't stop! And then at the end, you bus your own table by dropping all of your plates into a slot at one end of the table. The computer automatically calculates your bill, then you touch another button to call a clerk and she hands you your bill. If that weren't enough, for every 5 plates that you drop into the slot, a digital slot machine comes up on the screen. If you get 3 of the same sushi cartoon characters in a row, a small toy prize rolls out of machine above your table. You think I'm making this up, don't you? It's the model of sushi-efficiency! Would you expect any less in Japan? After sushi, Akemi and I went to the base to pick up some groceries. Oh...and I came to the very sad, sad realization that the NEX stopped carrying Guiness beer. What in the hell?!? I'm going to write my congressman! That's a crime and a travesty!

Have a full 5 day workweek ahead of me! Oh joy upon joys.

If you so have the desire, and you also like my newest most-favorite band in the world, Belle & Sebastian, check out their DVD, 'Fans Only'. It's very well made.

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