Saturday, November 04, 2006

Halloween Night

Greetings superfriends! Just an editorial note -- I tried to post some other photos from last Saturday, 28 Oct, but somehow there were some technical difficulties with blogspot. Anyway, Paul, Akemi, and I went to a Halloween party at Cindy Shalom's (one of our periodontists) dressed as a prostate exam, a penguin, and a Japanese schoolgirl respectively. Had a nice time, especially considering we haven't celebrated Halloween for a few years because it also coincides with Akemi's birthday. There are some pics posted on my previous entry.

So, last night we also dressed up and handed out candy here at our house along with our puppies (also in costume). Here are a couple pics! It's kind of funny how so many people thought I was dressed up as Elvis! Come on -- don't you remember a cultural phenomenon called 'disco'?!?

And just to mention real quick -- a couple of movie / music recommendations. We watched the Johnny Cash biopic "Walk The Line" last weekend and really enjoyed. It's good because it doesn't try to cram in so much information about him like a lot of these biographies tend to do. It's a simple story about him wooing his wife, June Carter Cash. It also only spans a period of about 20-30 years, so there aren't alot of cheesy age-progression effects.

Also recently downloaded the latest Keane album, 'Under The Iron Sea'. Very cool, very mellow, and alot 'darker' than their first album. Keane, the non-gay Coldplay (just kidding), is definitely becoming one of my favorite groups -- I sort of tuned them out when they had a lot of airplay on VH1 a couple years ago (as I tend to do with a lot of overexposed pop music). Hopefully they tour Japan sometime soon!


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