Friday, November 24, 2006

Oh The Humanity...

Hi again! Here are a couple images from one of my favorite artists/graphic illustrators, Banksy. Technically, I don't know if you can consider him a graphic illustrator, but what he is is a British guerilla/graffiti artist who has left his controversial mark in several urban/famous places around the world. When you hear "graffitti" it evokes images of a bunch of senseless dribble spray painted on the side of your local 7-11. This is different. This is well-thought and planned out, witty, biting, humorous social and political satire usually done via stencils or silk-screening. Nobody really knows his real identity or personal background (except maybe his closest friends), but books of his work are available at Amazon and you can also see most of his stuff at his website, Check it out!

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