Saturday, October 14, 2006

Cinema Fantastisch

Hi kids! I recently subscribed to Netflix (after cancelling our shitty cable tv service) and have had the opportunity to see a couple really great movies: 'V For Vendetta' and 'Thank You For Smoking'. Both are great social commentary on the current state of social and politcal affairs in the Western world. Here's a brief run-down of each:

V For Vendetta - Set in Britain ~20-30 years from now, where the country is under control of a totalitarian government which uses religion, patriotism, and media propaganda to sway the masses (sound familiar?). V is a product of institutionalization, forced into a research center which tested drugs on so-called 'social deviants' (mentally/physically challenged, artists, homosexuals, etc.). So bitter against the system, he wages an underground, one-man war against regime officials. Towards the end of the movie he enlists Evey (Natalie Portman) to help him achieve his final goal of blowing up Parliament. Based on a graphic novel, the movie feels very dark and foreboding. V's hidden lair is reminiscent of the Batcave, as are his fighting tactics and gadgetry. The Wachowski brothers (of The Matrix fame) direct this thriller, which is really more a scathing political metaphor than it is an action movie. In fact, there are only a few fight sequences. I really enjoyed this movie because the parallels to the current focus of governments in the U.S. and Britain are too uncanny to be coincidental. I'm sure this flick is not on the current administrations list of favorites. One other great point is that V (so masterfully acted by Hugo Weaving from The Matrix and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert) never removes his mask so that you can view his disfigured face - very unconventional for most masked hero movies. The only peak of exposed skin we get is his severely burned hands in one scene where he is cooking breakfast (!). One caveat - watch this movie with the subtitles on. The monologues and dialogue are hard to follow because they are quickly spoken in British accents, and recorded low compared with other ambient sounds and music.

Thank You For Smoking - My personal favorite between the two movies. I loved this movie and plan to purchase the DVD at some point!! Definitely a keeper. This movie is about Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart), a Washington lobbyist for the Institute of Tobacco Studies, a fictional company which works for a conglomerate of big tobacco companies. Contrary to what you would expect, Nick is absolutely the hero of this movie, while the social institutions out to destroy him (e.g. a Vermon senator with an agenda - played by the fantastic William H. Macy) are the villians. Nick's arguments are so sharp-witted and biting and make him an extremely charismatic character. The story shows a development of the relationship between Nick and his son (and to an extent, his ex-wife) which really ties everything together as Nick rises to the pinnacle of his career, then is nearly destroyed by a meddling reporter (Katie Holmes) as well as a credit-stealing boss. The point of this movie is not tobacco or smoking at all, but about satire in pointing out the ridiculousness of "political correctness". In fact, no one is actually ever shown smoking at all -- which is pretty much an 'in your face' to those critics who may label this movie pro-tobacco. If you consider this movie 'pro-tobacco', you're completely missing the point!! It's beautifully written and acted; a great comic satire. Watch this movie now!

1 comment:

David said...

You forgot to mention that Natalie Portman is hot. Especially in the scene when she's seducing the bishop. That sounds like one o' them double entendres. Add me to your Netflix friends list so I can see what crazy shit you're watching.