Sunday, January 14, 2007

Macrocosmic Funk

Good day, sunshine! Last night, Akemi and I went down to Kanazawa-Hakkei to one of our favorite little bars, Cafe-Bar Honey Style, to see one of the bartender's band, Macrocosm. Slim, the bartender, invited us to see his band play in Honmoku back on December 2, but we did the Kirin Beer tour that day and couldn't make it, so it was great to have another chance to see them. Slim describes his band as psychedelic funk, which is pretty good description, but it definitely includes elements of funk, rock, hip hop, and jazz. And absolutely high-energy, party music. Half of the band is gai-jin, the other half Japanese. Honey Style is a great little place, but it's absolutely tiny, maybe 12 ft by 20 ft, if that. And it was completely packed, nut-to-butt! It's funny that the 'maximum occupancy' rules are not strictly enforced in Japan like they are in the states (if they even exist at all!). So it was a great crowd and a good time, although we couldn't stay for the whole set because we had to make one of the last trains home. Looking forward to seeing them again soon! Here's some pics:

Slim rockin' the mic.

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