Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Lazy Bastard

That's me. Sorry I haven't updated this for a few weeks. It's been a crazy last few weeks. Akemi is still out of town in L.A. completing her Bikram yoga training. My father passed away a month ago and I went home to Jacksonville. Work is hella busy (as always). I try to get out and do different things on the weekends.

This coming weekend I will attend two concerts. The first will be Ben Harper, who I know little about, but am curious to hear live. The second is a secret fave of mine, Belle & Sebastian. They're a Scottish combo of several musicians that play 60's-inspired pop/folk. I'm really interested to see how they pull off a live show. I'll post a review afterward.

I've been listening to the entire Ben Folds / Ben Folds Five back catalogue and have re-ignited my interest in him. What an incredibly talented and original musician! He truly is an idiot-savante genius of punk-avante-garde-piano rock. I highly recommend checking his stuff out if you haven't already!

Later mofo's!